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May 13, 20, 27; June 3, 10, 17, 24
Play-offs: July 8, 9 

7:00 P.M.   Open Event   

The Women’s Classic Pairs began in 1982. The founders’ vision was to create a league for women to improve their competitive play, held early in the season to allow teams to "prepare themselves for Provincial Championships”. The league has run annually except for two years during the Covid pandemic.  

Alistair on the south green #2.jpg


ENTRY FEE - $120.00 PER TEAM.  Payment can be made by cheque or e-transfer. However, payee details differ, so for either method please first check these notes on payment.  



Prizes will be awarded in each of two sections (A and B) after play-offs. The sections will be determined by the results over the first four games, which are determined by a random draw. 



The entry form must be completed for all teams.  Please download and complete this form and send it to the convener, Juanita Tucker, by one of the methods indicated. Any queries should be made to Juanita (


Entry forms and payment must be received on or before the deadline of May 6Entries will be limited to an even number of teams. Should the last entry received create an odd number, that team will be put on a wait list.



All games (18 ends of three-bowl pairs) will be played on Tuesdays at Granville Park LBC.  Dates are shown above; please note the changed start time for 2025.



  • In the case of extreme weather the game will be postponed and rescheduled. Skips will be notified by 5:00 pm, whenever possible. Alternatively, contact Juanita at 604-626-9383 or check our website. 

  • If a game has to be stopped before completion, 12 ends played will constitute a game played.

  • Spares may play any position, including for playoff games. A spare may not have been a member of another Classics team during the current season.

  • All teams must complete the full schedule of games, regardless of their league standing. 


PLEASE NOTE: By entering, your team members agree to allow GPLBC to use their image or likeness to report the event or to promote the club and the Sport of Bowls, either in print or electronic media.


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