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End of Season 2024

The season, like the cake that was made specially for the occasion, has gone.  The food was part of a very fine social occasion when we had a buffet lunch followed by one last game, with the weather suddenly cool enough to persuade us that summer really was over.   The next morning (29 September) we had a brilliant turn-out to help with the coring of the green - 26 members enjoyed sunshine and camaraderie.  The two greens were cleared of debris in under two hours- something of a record!

Christmas Party

Members will have received an invitation by email for this event on 15 December.  Bookings are now closed.

Short Mat

No sooner did the outdoor season end than we rolled out the carpets for the short-mat sessions!  These take place on Tuesday (1.30 pm), Friday and Sunday (10.00 am).  In addition to those regular slots, members are welcome to go along and play informally at any time.

Bowls on YouTube

Lawn bowls may struggle to get airtime on TV, but there is a great range of material to watch on YouTube.  Videos from Australia are especially common, and one very good series to watch is The Bowls Show.  It's noisy, it's colourful, it's everything people don't associate with bowls - and there are some brilliant games to watch.  There are more hints on watching YouTube videos in the newsletters mentioned below.


Our friend and Richmond member On Kow Lee issues a periodical newsletter about events in the world of bowls. She kindly makes this available to Granville Park members. The September edition linked to several games from the UK national championships, while October gave an enthusiastic personal take on Hong Kong events.  The November edition is a long piece covering events in Hong Kong, Scotland and also Vancouver's PIBC, and for December there is yet another enthusiastic summary of several games to be seen on YouTube.

GPLBC Vice-President Trevor Field has been compiling a bowls blog over the years, aimed primarily at new or intermediate bowlers, with comments and advice on how the game is played.

Happy reading!



Social Events

As well as the plans for our annual Christmas meal, and thanks to the enthusiasm of some of our first-year bowlers, we are in the process of planning other events: these will appear here as soon as they are finalised.

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