Here are a few photos to "C" what we do:
Michael Leong, Canadian singles champion 2019
Lawn bowls is a competitive sport, and everyone has their own preferred level. But whatever the level, there's nothing quite like winning a trophy...
All new bowlers get four sessions of coaching as part of membership. In addition, our qualified coaches are always happy to spend time with any member who wants advice on particular aspects of the game. Just ask...
Canada Day
For our annual event on 1 July the tradition is to wear something - anything! - red, and we certainly do! This is a a mixed triples competition, named for our former president Doug Bergey. It's a proper competition, but as you can see it's light-hearted, and a really happy social event.
Chinese New Year
Every year in February we celebrate the Lunar New Year, blended with a Valentine's party day! No outdoor bowls of course, or even indoor, as this is a purely social event - table games to start, followed by a special Chinese meal.
Care of the Green
A lawn bowls green needs a lot of work, and we have two of them! Of course, we pay for regular maintenance, equipment and expert help, but occasionally (as for the annual coring) we need a few more willing hands. With coffee and cookies it's also a social event. Not as much fun as bowls, maybe, but we can still have a good time...